Lohri Festival &Makar Sankranti festival of India

lohri celebration 2015
lohri celebration 2015

Makar Sankranti celebration 2015

Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir 'Lohri' Makar Sankranti festival is celebrated in the name. According to the Hindu calendar, a day before Makar Sankranti is celebrated Lohri. This time the festival of Lohri January 13, Friday. Solstice is the day before the sun out of the houses are large bonfire burning. January bonfire burning very comfortable and pleasant in winter shrill sound.

Women and men gathered around the bonfire and attired bhangra dance on DJ. The fire chief god of the festival, so beaten paddy, sesame, nuts, etc. Gajak is laid down in the fire. Between the sound of drumbeats fought like a late night dance moves. Then you attach to each other and each other Happy Lohri share offerings and distribution is presented. Offerings are five main things - sesame, Gajak, jaggery, peanuts and corn seeds. In modern times, the festival of Lohri brings people pull out of your engagement. People meet each other, their vicissitudes share. That is the main purpose of the festival

story of lohri or Makar Sankranti

Dwaparyug incarnation as Krishna was the god Vishnu, the Kansa innovation always tries to kill Krishna lived. Once everyone was busy celebrating the festival of Makar Sankranti. Kansa Gokul Krishna sent to kill the demon called Lohita which Krishna was killed in the sport.

The name of monstrous Lohita named Lohri festival. The same phenomenon is observed to commemorate the auspicious occasion of Lohri. A day before Makar Sankranti in Sindhi society 'red Lohi' festival is celebrated as.

Lohri celebration in punjab

A day before the festival of Makar Sankranti in Punjab Lohri is celebrated with great fanfare only. Lohri like Holly's are lit in the evening to gather and sesame Lkdiyhan.

lohri song

इस त्योहार का रोचक तथ्य यह है कि इस त्योहार के लिए बच्चों की टोलियां घर-घर जाकर लकडिय़ां इकट्ठा करती हैं और लोहड़ी के गीत गाती हैं। इनमें से एक गीत खूब पसंद किया जाता है-
सुंदर मुंदरिए। ...हो
तेरा कैन बेचारा, ...हो
दुल्ला भट्टी वाला, ...हो
दुल्ले धी ब्याही, ...हो
सेर शक्कर आई, ...हो
कुड़ी दे बोझे पाई, ...हो
कुड़ी दा लाल पटारा, ...हो
एक किवदंती के अनुसार एक ब्राह्मण की बहुत छोटी कुंवारी कन्या को जो बहुत सुंदर थी उसे गुंडों ने उठा लिया। दुल्ला भट्टी ने जो मुसलमान था, इस कन्या को उन गुंडों से छुड़ाया और उसका विवाह एक ब्राह्मण के लड़के से कर दिया। इस दुल्ला भट्टी की याद आज भी लोगों के दिलों में हैं और लोहड़ी के अवसर पर छोटे बच्चे गीत गाकर दुल्ला भट्टी को याद करते हैं।