Beating Retreat Ceremony Celebrtaed at Wagah Border

beating retreat ceremony wagah border
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Beating retreat ceremony celebrtaed by pakistan

Beating retreat ceremony at Border

Beating Retreat ceremony at Wagah border, Pakistan celebrated on Sunday. Although the suicide attacks in Pakistan since the two countries had decided that the next three days will not Beating Retreat ceremony. But on Monday, Pakistan's ruling overturning suddenly holding Beating Retreat India reported. BSF chief DK-reader pointed out to us so quickly there was no time to prepare. So we just played formality. Tuesday will begin the regular ceremony.

Expressed the wish to Pakistan because of sudden Beating Retreat ceremony got to see it. More than 20 thousand people lived in the present day, there was silence on Monday. BSF were just young. The shops were closed at entrance. There were some people who arrived here, they was stopped by the BSF.