Rajyavardhan Singh:मोदी के इस मंत्री ने पढ़ाई के लिए छोड़ी क्रिकेट, फिर बने ओलिंपिक विजेता

rajyavardhan singh rathore

about cabinet minister rajyavardhan singh rathore

Born in Jaisalmer and serve Nation in army and an olympian. We're talking about Olympic winner Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore. The military alliance has Rajyavardhana childhood. In their home, father, uncle, grandfather and great-grandfather are also in the military. His father was a colonel in the army. That was the reason that his attachment was much in force from the start. Today they are willing to put politics aiming at the target. Ritaerdment Rajyavardhana taken from the Army in 2013 to ten Amrudon Bagh in Jaipur on September Narendra Modi joined the BJP during assembly were held. He has been awarded Padma Shri.

Cricket's first love   Cricket is a very interesting story of their attachment. Indeed, reading-writing Rajyavardhana's mother wanted her to become a good person. But his heart was involved in cricket. Renji from Madhya Pradesh 10th Class trophy in his name for the team was ahead. But then his mother wanting him banned from cricket.

Still heartbroken handled themselves   Cricket after the heartbreak he did not give up and joined the army of the NDA examination. They wanted what was then the stage, as was the time, he began to try his hand at shooting the second love. During this time, many such occasions when he surprised everybody by precise targeting. Army Distinguished Service Medal of the highly respected colonel in the army Rathore received other numerous awards and accolades.
  He then double trap between 2002 and 2006, 25 international medals in various championships. In 2004-05, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna and the Arjuna Award in 2003-2004.