learn oil massage therapy
In most people's routine before or after bath body oil massage bath included.प्रतिदिन और विशेष रूप से ठंड के दिनों में तेल मालिश से लंबे समय तक हमारी त्वचा पर चमक बनी रहती है, बुढ़ापा दूर रहता है। In the Scriptures every day to talk about is the oil massage. When and when not to massage oil, a few rules in this regard are described. Texts are several instances where the kings are mentioned narrowly oil massage.
Daily oil massage is an infallible remedy, the skin remains patinated and beautiful. Additionally, also prevents skin diseases.भारतीय संस्कृति में प्रत्येक व्यक्ति की दिनचर्या इस तरह निर्धारित की गई है कि उनसे हमारा तन और मन दोनों प्रसन्न होता हैं। Dev on the strength of routine virtue and grace that we can earn money from. Behind oil massage routine is the same approach. It says oil massage we remain young and attractive. Our personality shines and has a good effect on people.
scientific benefits of oil massage therapy
Follow the tradition of the oil massage done regularly Old age does not come quickly. To healing the body is a scientific action. Fatigue from daily oil massage and air are not diseases. Blindness comes faster and sleep better. Having beautiful skin beauty shines from the body.
Benefits of Oil Massage therapy
Rome contains numerous pores on our bodies. Our skin is reticulated. The vent gas from the body as polluted air is exhaled. The holes are closed in the absence of daily cleaning. If the vent is closed so we can come to grips of many diseases. To avoid this, we should daily take bath and body oil massage. Rome to which these holes are always open. Oil massage also adjust our body moves blood.
Keep in mind these things during oil massage therapy
Though regular massage oil for healthy skin routine, but only three days a week should do it. It is believed that Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday should massage oil. Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday should not massage oil. The question arises: Sun, Tue and Friday massage with oil, why not? In fact, the science behind it. Scripture says that these days there is a possibility of having the disease on oil massage.
शास्त्रों में लिखा है... तैलाभ्यांगे रवौ ताप: सोमे शोभा कुजे मृति:। बुधेधनं गुरौ हानि: शुझे दु:ख शनौ सुखम्॥Meaning of massage oil heating the heat-related illness on Sunday, Monday enhance the beauty of the body, the fear of death on Tuesday, Wednesday attainment of wealth, loss on Thursday, Friday grief and get pleasure from Saturday.
According to the scriptures, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday is forbidden to massage with oil. Is the science behind it. Sunday is related to the sun. The heat is generated from the sun. Hence, this day is bound to be higher than other days of bile in the body. The heat is generated from oil massage. So Sunday massage with oil over the summer due to the fear of getting the disease.
Tue planet is red. The planet has an impact on our blood. The day of blood pressure in the body to be more itching, boils, etc. is fear of skin disease. Venus is similar with regards semen element. Seminal massage can lead to this day.अगर रोजाना मालिश करना हो तो तेल में रविवार को फूल, मंगलवार को मिट्टी और शुक्रवार को गाय का मूत्र डाल लेने से कोई दुष्प्रभाव नहीं होता।